
Rev. Nancy Wyatt

I’m In Luv!!! I have discovered a life changing – perhaps life saving – exerciser that actually lives up to its claim that "It does the work. You get the benefit." It works by greatly enhancing the distribution of oxygen and blood flow throughout the body, thereby changing your metabolic rate, and rejuvenating every aspect of your body, while you just lie on the floor (resting your ankles on the machine), breathe deeply, and think happy thoughts for fifteen minutes! It is great for people who don’t have time or want to exercise or who are self-conscious about their bodies and want privacy. I would not have believed it, had I not experienced it myself!

Since at least 1990, I have suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. At first, I thought it was just exhaustion from working a 40 hour week and another 40 or more hours in the same week doing volunteer work at a shelter for homeless people. (I had done that every week since 1987.) But, in 1992, I discontinued most of that volunteer work and my community service work. Yet, in 1994, I had become so ill that quite literally my consciousness left my body. I lost so much weight, people started the rumor that I had AIDS. I constantly needed to sleep for 4-6 hours after having been awake for only five minutes. It has been a very slow recovery. Every day – no matter how scorching hot and sultry humid – no matter how frigid the winter – I have had to go to my car and sleep during my lunch hour in order to make it through the rest of the afternoon’s work. And, I have done that, since at least 1990, even while fearing that sleeping in the parking lot could cost me my job. Still, it was necessary.

Until I got this "chi machine"... Almost immediately, I did not HAVE to take a nap during my lunch hour! In fact, if I tried to, I could not go to sleep! I suddenly had sufficient energy to get through the whole day at work and an entire evening of work at home, and the energy was alive and evenly distributed throughout the day! It feels just like a miracle! Here’s Another Miracle: On the fifth day, I discovered I had lost 1/2 inch in my chest, waist, and hops, and THREE inches in my abdomen!!!... you know, where men have a "pot belly," and women look like they will be pregnant until they die. I know, because I matched my measurements against measurements I had taken one month previously. During this time period, I had not been exercising, because of a back problem. And, I had been eating beaucoup ice cream and butterscotch syrup! The only thing that had changed was my having the chi machine to use 15 minutes* in the morning and again in the evening.

*Note: when I first got a borrowed machine, I used it for 15 minutes at a time. Only when I got my own machine, did I get the instructions, which say that BEGINNERS SHOULD USE IT FOR 2 OR 3 MINUTES, at first, and then work up to 15. So, probably, I got such fast results from "jumping right in."

Another note: I have been exercising fairly regularly since January, 1998. Rather than losing weight, I gained both weight and inches. Depressing! I guess I must now have muscles AND fat! Consequently, I could not wear my business suits. Nor could I afford a new wardrobe. So, this loss of inches is a real blessing, even though I think I weigh the same number of pounds.

But, I didn’t buy this machine for weight loss. I bought it to help me with the excruciation back pain that I had from osteoarthritis (caused not only by "old age," but by old injuries to my back – such as the time I started an avalanche in the Rocky Mountains, or was bucked off a horse, or was in a car wreck, or fell off a trampoline onto my head while attempting a back flip, etc.)

A x-ray of my back showed osteoporosis (probably created or worsened by my having smoked cigarettes for many years), arthritis, and bone spurs from the injuries. The arthritis literally was dislocating my ribs! And, now one hip is much lower than the other. I was a hurtin’ buckaroo! It felt like my back was on fire all the time, and I could hardly get to sleep, much less stay asleep at night because of it. After ONE WEEK of using this chi machine, I certainly am not completely cured, buy I am ALMOST PAIN FREE!

I had experienced acupuncture, cranio-sacral therapy, deep connective tissue therapy, Reiki, Kahuna healing, chiropractic, and massage. Everything helped a lot, but then the pain returned. We didn’t know why until we saw the x-ray. It was the machine that worked out the crooked ridges in my back and reduced the pain. The person who massages my back with peanut oil can see the differences clearly.

What else?

• The vericose vein in my ankle is receding and is far less visible.

• The bone spur on my foot is receding. Every day I see a difference, and often I am pain free.

• My vision is improving and my range of peripheral vision is greatly increased. I know this because of an exercise I tried, which I can do far better than I could just a few days ago.

• My thoughts are clearer – (finally got some oxygen to the brain!)

• My complexion is clearer, and I’m losing the appearance of having "jowls."

• My neck is much more flexible (it had suffered considerable damage and now is quite mobile with much less pain)

• The area where I had oral surgery is healing at a much faster rate.

• It is helping me with lymph drainage.

• A healer who had worked on me a couple of months before I got the chi machine was amazed at how much clearer and healthier my energy field is. It is helping me cleanse and clear not only body, but mind, spirit, and emotions.


• Internal (digestive) organs, heart, lungs and immune system feel stronger and clearer.

I’m sure this is only the beginning. A chiropractor asked me whether I would continue to use the machine, now that I have comparatively little pain. I told her "I will use this thing as long as there is electricity!" The literature states that 15 minutes of using the chi machine is about equivalent to 90 minutes of walking, in terms of body oxygenation. All I know is IT WORKS!

The last thing I ever wanted to be (other than a secretary) is part of a multi-level marketing operation. But, I literally believe it can benefit almost every person and can save the lives of some! So, I now am a distributor. The machine is not cheap. But, it is the equivalent of the less expensive exercise equipment seen on television – or the price of the spa I joined and then went to about three times – or the price I pay for vitamins and supplements every 2 months! To me, it can cure the incurable and, therefore, is worth much more than I paid for it. And, it’s a one-time expense!

Rev. Nancy Wyatt

Dr. Robert Groves, DD, ThD, ND Diplomate - Lymphatics, Energy, Chronic Conditions, Physician

Dr. John M. Buckler, DC - Lymphatics, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Chiropractors

Dr. David Morris, DC - Range of Motion, Chronic Pain, Aura Photography, Chiropractor

Larry, Martha & Jeffery Wolff - Traumatic Injury, Asthma, Weight Loss

John Kranick - Long Term Pain, Low Energy

Carol Gail Gaylor - Chronic Sciatica, Skin Cancer, Energy, Sinuses

Rev. Nancy Wyatt - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Weight Loss, Varicose Vein, Chronic Pain


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