
Dr. Robert Groves, DD, ThD, ND, Diplomate

I originally purchased this machine to see if it would do all that it claims. It did. I have advanced training in the Dr. Vodder Manual Lymphatic Technique, Chagnon Lymphatic Work, Chapman reflex lymphatics and traditional lymphatic drainage in addition to over twenty other forms of therapy and 25 years of private practice. This machine can effectively increase circulation and drainage of lymph fluid (edema) in fifteen minutes as can manually be performed in about an hour. As a physician, this saves me a tremendous amount of time to serve other patients. It relieves many musculoskeletal symptoms of chronic pain and unstable joints due to interstitial congestion, soft and osseous adhesions, and toxification. This is a great help to any Naturopathic, Osteopathic or Chiropractic physician in their work as well as physical therapists, massage therapists, or anyone practicing the manipulative arts.

I have studied the effects of oxygen therapies for several years and have had reservations with some of the forms of application in expense, side effects and access for most patients. The Sun aerobic exerciser eliminates the restrictions of high expense, most toxic side effects, and access to the procedure by allowing affordable purchase. It provides a daily conditioning of the respiratory system resulting in increased oxygen intake by the blood and utilization by the tissues. It has shown helpful for most all musculoskeletal conditions, respiratory conditions, and infections. Any disease condition will be aided with this machine that responds favorably to increased oxygen in the tissues including cancer, fibromyalgia, etc.

I have found that most clients will use this machine on a regular basis providing them with aerobic conditioning and no impact trauma damage to the joints, or stress to the heart and circulatory vessels. This provides a toning of all muscles, rise in metabolism facilitating weight loss and reshaping of the body. I have increased my efficiency at work by 30% and reduced my need for sleep to about six hours from resting on the machine only 15 minutes every other day. I also have had several growths drop off my body with no return. One of these growths has been there for forty years!

Dr. Robert Groves, DD, ThD, ND Diplomate - Lymphatics, Energy, Chronic Conditions, Physician

Dr. John M. Buckler, DC - Lymphatics, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Chiropractors

Dr. David Morris, DC - Range of Motion, Chronic Pain, Aura Photography, Chiropractor

Larry, Martha & Jeffery Wolf - Traumatic Injury, Asthma, Weight Loss

John Kranick - Long Term Pain, Low Energy

Carol Gail Gaylor - Chronic Sciatica, Skin Cancer, Energy, Sinuses

Rev. Nancy Wyatt - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Weight Loss, Varicose Vein, Chronic Pain


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